Robot taxonomy open for everyone
Let’s explore together the world of robots.
Building a community to learn and share what makes them special.
They no longer look strange to us
RobotATTA! is a collaborative engine for robot discovery.
Stay curious and connected with more people,
to recognize and learn about robots and their applications.
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Your home is where you can find the latest news, people, and robots you will find useful.
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Use the search bar to discover new robots, trends, and applications. Or surprise yourself by picking keywords in the tag list.
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Upload content by sharing to the community your experiences with robots. Add a title, a brief description of your finding, and perhaps a link for anyone to learn more about a topic.
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Your introduction to the community. Find all your posts and the contents you liked, all organized in your profile. You can also view who is following you and the people you follow.
Build new knowledge
We are building together robot literacy. By keeping everybody well-informed, we make the robot community grow stronger and healthier.
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